A few things a MAN should know...
Now I am no chest beating alpha male, infact too many times the opposite, but there are a few things a boy must know and do to be called a man. Call me a genrealizing, chauvinistic pig but the men today are getting too effiminate or the exact opposite...but that's neither here nor there.
This is about something more specific. If you are to call yourself a sophisticated man, you must know how to wear a suit. I don't care what, it's un-excusable to be 30+ and wear your suit like a 14 year old.
I see too much of this and it's disheartening.
I am not being snobby. A man doesn't really need to have a suit collection full of Dior, Versace, Etro, Ferragamo etc etc etc (kudos if you do)...a simple suit will do but if it's put on right it can go on par with suits $800 more expensive.
So please guys. Please don't do these few faux pas when wearing your suit.
1) Go to a tailor. I can not stress this enough. Suits are made with general specs, not for your body shape. If you've bought a suit then go to a tailor and get it fitted. The extra $25-50 is worth it.
2) Wear a suit your size. If I see another slumping shoulders or baggy pants im gonna beat the guy wearing it. You're dressing in a refined, classical garment...not your jammies.
3) Older guys...please, ditch those ugly, ill fitted, sportcoats. That pattern belongs on the sofa, not you.
4) TAKE OFF THE DAMN LABELS. As much as you'd like to think they are there for show, they are not. It is not a t-shirt, ditch the labels.
5) Ditch the ugly ties too. Learn how to knot a tie.
6) A shirt matters just as much as a suit and this is where I see young guys as repeat offenders. Too many youg guys wear shirts way too mature or big for them. A 19 year old should not be wearing classic Brook Brothers shirts. It looks like you have parachute erupting from your back.
7) I swear to Jeebus this one puts a boil on my ass...DICKIES ARE NOT DRESS PANTS.
8) Tuck your damn shirt in. You can leave a shirt untucked with a suit but too many of you guys have that half tucked and half out. Unless you're a history teacher at a high school or a paper salesmen from Ohio, you have no excuse.
9) Buy real dress shoes. Black sneakers fool no one.
10) If you button all your suit jacket buttons than you deserve to be slapped. Period.
I can write a book about this subject and many guys think knowing how to wear a suit is gay and those guys are idiots. Look back at the 30s, 40s, and 50s when most guys knew how to dress. It's one thing to don an unconstructed, no shoulder padded, slim tapered pants, ankle showing, loafer wearing suit (which most likely will get you called gay and that most likely will be true) but another to rock a garment which has been in style since forever.
Get with it.
Fathers...set an example for your sons. Ladies instantly catch a glimpse of a man who is wearing a suit correctly. Don't believe me, ask the ladies themselves.
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