HA HA HA...get it?
What is it with foreign movies and happiness, well, all lack of it anyway. I know movies examining issues of real life and character driven movies are suppose to end very ambiguously but geez-freakin-Louise can one of them have an happy ending.
I've been on a foreign cinema kick lately (let it be known Netflix is awesome) and I've started to discover works by Alfonso Curon, Pedro Almdovar and some Asian stuff and I've noticed one consistent thing among all of these foreign films...90% of them end in very depressing ways. It's very possible and ok to make a movie which has depth, character development, dissection of the human spirit and have a happy ending. Not everyone's life ends up as a depressing drudge or one with bitter throngs of pain amongst some sweet blessings...some people actually end up happy. I can understand movies based on most people's normal lives would be too boring and too mundane (face it, our real life is drama is 95% poop) but that doesn't mean acclaimed, foreign, directors have to resort to making all critically acclaimed movies downright depressing to micro examine what makes us tick.
Movies like the Israeli made Bonjour Monsieur Shalomi was strong, heart breaking, funny and endearing. It stuck with me after it was over and it's ending wasn't a slit-your-wrists-affair. It was appropriate and heartfelt...is that so hard to pull off? I am not saying all movies should have a sunny happy endings like most American movies, but good lord, I'd like to walk away from international dramas without saying to myself "maybe killing myself would be the best way to avoid the cruel mistress that is life"
Movies like Y Tu Mama Tambien was great until it's very surprising and totally depressing ending. Talk to Her ends on a far less somber note than Y Tu Mama Tambien, but only after a totally depressing turn of events. Is all of Europe clinically depressed or is it fashionable to have a cynical, down and out attitude, about life.? French filmmakers are the main offenders in this. Try to watch a French movie with a conventional happy ending...you won't, because it doesn't exist (probably does but god knows you won't find it)
At least American movies sweep our problems and insecurities under the rug and deliver us happy endings only realized on film. Get with it you Euros.
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