So I have never watched a single episode of Heroes and this show is ubiquitous with people of all ages, but I could never get into it. To me it seemed like x-men lite. I decided to give it a chance and saw the 2 hour premiere of the 3rd season titled Heroes: Villains. The new focus of the show is to have a good VS evil thing going on with the usual mix of characters walking the fine line between the two.
So what did I think of it? Well let's just say my problem with the characters in Heroes is the same problem I had with Superman...they're idiots. For someone who has powers, which can not be stopped, to be acting so blindly idiotic is beyond me. The problem of shortsightedness isn't contained only to the characters, it encompasses the whole show.
Let's take a look at what bothers me about the show. Keep note that all my points are concerning the premiere episode since I have never watched another full episode of this show.
1) It's pretty much a rip off of X-men, but with pretty people. Seriously, name one power one of the characters has which hasn't already been possessed by an X-men character. However, that's forgivable because writers can only invent so many powers which haven't been done in comic books already. So no biggie there.
2) One of my main gripes with the show; No one actually uses their power besides the bad guys...not even to save their asses. How can Sylar keep killing people while more than a handful of people have more than enough mojo to off him. Why? because they feel bad about killing him? Screw that....If I even had some niche power like making nipples bleed you better believe Sylar would be tasting my wrath. But the rest of them, no, god forbid they do shit.
Peter can absorb powers but he seems beyond incompetent to actually use them, or think for himself....which brings me to point number...
3) ...Why the hell would you go back in time? Has this kid not ever studied cyclical theory of the universe or merely even contemplated what happens when you change shit. I don't dare touch my laundry pile in the fear another article of clothing will bring the whole mutha crumbling down, but he decided suddenly to change the past. Douche bag. This leads me to question the writers in...
4) ...The whole time travel thing? really? I get that it's a great vehicle to go back and fix everything but the way Heroes incorporated it is so beyond perplexing that it's insulting. Now I am not saying time travel is concrete enough science that writers should follow certain rules, but two Peters existing at the same time? In the same universe? Come on, make it a parallel universe to be more convincing. It sounds like nit picking but it's small things like these that can make or break a show. Even sci-fi shows need to present some ounce of actually believability on the unbelievable nature of things.
5) Like I mentioned before...these people never use their powers to change their life course. Just enough to not end up dead. Why? The show opens with 5 years in the future where people with powers are hunted captured and toyed around with. I have one How did these people with super powers, that no military weaponry or technology can match, get caught and imprisoned? If this was ever to happen to a real human being, in about 2 years you'd see him/her ruling over some desolate Middle Eastern country while planning bigger things.
Did no one say to themselves "Gee, this sucks. I don't like underground prisons...oh wait, I can make giant fireballs out of my penis, why don't I use that to my advantage" DUHHHH. I see no reason why physically superior beings are controlled by far weaker beings with same level of intelligence. Magneto had the right idea.
6) How did they ever capture these kids anyway? The show always shows some agents dressed in a black suit getting tossed around like rag dolls. These people, supposedly, somehow figured out how to do it. I reiterate: it seems like nitpicking but it's little details like these that play an important part in a show such as this.
7) When Sylar tries to take the power of the girl who creates electricity and ends up overloading her, she takes him out and the rest of the electric grid, causing all the prisoners to escape.'s called a back up generator first of all. Second; when you design a facility to hold some off the most dangerous criminals in the world you design with some protection against an EMP.
8) As for the cheerleader ;"boo-hoo...I don't feel pain, I'll always remain young and hot and I'll never die leaving me with endless possibilities in life"...STFU. Go talk to people who never stop feeling pain.
9) Can they make that Japanese dude maybe 10% less gay. Just think about it, besides the fact he has the gayest sayings, he is also an imbecile. He has, probably, the coolest power but lord knows this moron doesn't use it. He let a girl who can run really fast beat her...YOU CONTROL TIME STUPID. He hires expensive detectives to track down her location and she still gets away again. I don't even have to explain how moronic this is on his part. Feels like one of those things writers do to rush the plot along, forgetting that they've laid massive plot holes in the process.
10) One good thing about the show; That hot, HOT, Latina who can kill people when she gets upset. Great casting. Hooking her up with an Indian dude...nice. Finally the most mocked minority on television gets the good stuff.
All these things add up to a less satusfying experience. Also, I am usually all for revealing story arcs as soon as possible and moving on to new ones but even I felt there was too much going on the season premiere. I am not saying make the show like Lost, where a lot stuff goes on but nothing happens (gave up on the show because of it growing non-sensical plot) but slow it down too. Supernatural is and Angel was a great example of nicely paced, gripping, story telling. Nothing too slow or too fast.
You can probably tell I won't be keeping up with this show because already too much about it annoys me. The premiere felt like Spiderman 3 where too much was thrown in at one time to tie up loose ends and plant seeds for new story arcs. The show simply became a victim of it's own ambition IMO.
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