The BIG Sleazy

Me + whatever I feel like typing....

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I wrote this around the time I started to lose faith in god and's quite old, found it by chance lying around my room.

Paper Flowers

We were the paper flowers
In likeness of god.
Promised great fortunes, and
Thought’s piercing sword

We came heavens blazing,
We rose from the beast.
Shed the cover of nature’s wild
And kept it in hidden keeps.

We were the paper flowers
Natures last child
To appease our content
We caressd our inner wild.

Smudged, torn and shredded
The longer we grew
Our strength in our pain
We did what we did because he was true.

Lost we are
We were the paper flowers
But look at us now
Burned in our own power.

Let the fire burn
There are still a standing few
But they are paper flowers,
They’ll burn too.

Let them out and see
the escaped, hidden truth
The garden of our life is fading,
Burning with us too.

We were the paper flowers
In god’s name we mend
We are the crumbling ashes now
In god’s name we shall end.


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