The BIG Sleazy

Me + whatever I feel like typing....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Gay marriage is finally legal in Connecticut. Finally. Seriously, can we just make gay marriage legal everywhere so we can stop wasting tax dollars on this issue. Everyone should have the right to be equally miserable. The fact that so much time and energy is spent by opposing sides fighting each other doesn't make any sense.

Making marriage legal for same sex couples works in favor of both sides. Gay people can now finally enter a union under the eyes of god and be joined together as a couple in equality. I seriously doubt god really cares if you're homosexual or not since technically, according to religion, everything came from god which means god also created homosexuals so he must have had a plan for them. My guess is to drive up property values, making entertaining Broadway shows and bitchin fashion (maybe god is vain...I mean we are in his image) know, the fun stuff.

It also makes sense for those who oppose gay marriage and homosexuality to make gay marriage legal. Let the, swinging, good time, gay folk realize how boring and soul crushing most marriages turn out to be. With the divorce rates as high as it is in civilized countries humanity is making an unanimous decision that marriage, for the most part, sucks. Let your "god-hating" enemies get in on the action. Like a really shitty surprise party; everything looks happy on the surface but really, you can't wait to bounce. Nothing will be funnier and more satisfying than watching those you inexplicably dislike suffer the same way you do, everyday.

There are more pressing issues to consider. We could be using the energy of gay activists to work alongside common causes like eradication of disease, poverty, hunger, cancellation of The Hills. Hell Africa alone offers enough problems to keep the righteous occupied for the next 100-200 years.

Come on, let's get to it. Let them marry. Leave their life decisions to themselves and start taking on Africa. Bono is tired, he needs help.


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