The BIG Sleazy

Me + whatever I feel like typing....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Now I like tourists

...Now I like tourists, they are cool, relaxed, fun people to talk to and if they're from Australia, Britian, Switzerland, Spain, and Brazil they are really HOT, fun, people to talk to but can we build seperate streets for them...please.

It's not their fault that they don't understand the overly hectic nature of NYC streets but the fact remains that their physical presence gets really annoying when you're in a rush and they're walking at exactly.00000345 mph.

and while we're at it can we please build another Macy's, Times Square, Herald Square, Broadway for them....because these mentioned places have become a complete headache to walk through.

I know the Christmas display windows at Macy's are really cool and flashy but MOVE....some of us are trying to score name brand dress shirts for cheap during their lunch hours and your confused presence doesn't help.

oh and taking pictures of buildings?...whats up with that? There are like 5 buildings in NYC that have historical or interesting architecture otherwise all the buildings are bland. Japanese, German, Dubai, and even Spanish Architecture is far more interesting than ours and years ahead.