The BIG Sleazy

Me + whatever I feel like typing....

Friday, December 12, 2008


I am not a big fan of reality TV shows. Infact, I pretty much despise them. I know I am in a small minority but, to me, scripted shows are far better and interesting. So surprisingly I've been watching Fox's new show secret millionaire simply because it's actually a decent concept, not an offensive slap to human intelligence. The show's concept is that a multi-millionaire spends a week living below the poverty line in an area they would deathly avoid otherwise. They must seek out worthy people in their neighborhood and give away at least $100,000 of their money. Brilliant idea really. Cheap to produce, humanitarian, and a general good karma vibe all around...

...I liked it. Even though the show is still fairly scripted (i.e. the rich pretenders magically run into someone from a charity upon their first day...or how the self-introductory neighbor never wonders why there are cameras in the front lawns of the new neighbors. Maybe they're filming their poverty and that, in turn, is what is making them poor...maybe). The millionaires genuinely seemed to be touched by the people they meet and the people who end up receiving the money are those un-sung heroes of society who are not sexy enough to be mentioned otherwise.

So far I've seen three episodes and the last one I saw genuinely pissed me off. Not Fox's fault, but that of the cheap fuck who gave away his money.

The first episode was brilliant because even though the rich dude had to only give away $100,000, he was so touched that he gave away $100,000 EACH to three different people he met. That's heartfelt. In the second episode the millionaire gave away $50,000 to three different people for a total of $150,000 and he donated his customized, brand new, car. That's close to $200,000. Very admirable. But not the cheap fuck in last night's episode. No, he couldn't even be bothered to comply with the shows regulations...and this from a man who is supposedly worth $300 million. Yes Million. That's equivalent of having thousands of dollars but you can't afford to spring for $5 more.

He gave away money to 4 different locations and people. Now remember; the shows states that the millionaires have to give away at least $100,000 of their own money.

He gave $35,000 to a soup kitchen, $35,000 to a church, $10,000 to the Church director and $10,000 to single mother from Puerto Rico, now living in San Francisco. Count it, that's $90,000. This cheap fuck couldn't even see it to fulfill the most basic obligations whereas the other's went above and beyond. What a douche sized asshole thing to do. Yeah he didn't have to give a penny to begin with but he signed up for this, this will be a tax write off for him, and he invaded these people's lived under a guise of poverty. He lied to them.

Hell, the poor people have the right to be mad at him. Funny enough his name was Gurbaksh...which in Punjabi means "god forgive"...suitable name for a cheap dipwad. He cried multiple times out of being so touched but he wasn't touched enough to touch his wallet a little deeper. My best guess is he will use the remaining $10,000 left to buy puppies and kittens, and shoot them in front of a crowd of sick and dying children.

Because he lives on a diet of small children's tears and fear.

If I miscounted and or missed something then I'll gladly admit fault and spare him a little more. It still stands that if you have three hundred million you can live to part with much more than hundred thousand. Especially for the people who made you cry, in a good way. I'll admit that I am being sensationalist and bull-headed like so many others but who cares...absoluetely no one reads this blog.

P.S How did these people became millionaires? Most of them don't even enough sense to apply basic logic when shopping for food. I thought self-made millionaires got that way out of their business sauvy and eye for details others miss. Seriously, $98 is way more than enough for groceries for one week for 1-2 people. There shouldn't struggle with that amount.