The BIG Sleazy

Me + whatever I feel like typing....

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A few thoughts


Why is it that old men think its ok to walk around butt naked in the locker room in the gym. It's not.

If your balls reach to your knees and your ass cheeks follow then please...put on some underwear, out of professional courtesy.

I avoid the locker room like the plague but goddamn it, I have to go in their for certain reasons (urinating being a good one) and what am I confronted with? BALLS...balls all over the place

old saggy balls... the left, to the right. I almost bump into walls trying to walk to the restroom with my eyes closed, but noooo, only more balls await me there.

I can't even eat raisins anymore thanks to these shameless baby boomers hippies. Prading around in all of their naked, flabby, shameless glory. I have nothing against the human body, just a lot against old, flabby, saggy balled, old man body.

Not cool dude, not cool.


Must give praise where its due. Asian women legs.

After years of observing the female form (artistically ofcourse, I'm a gentlemen ladies.) I have come to the conclusion that Asian women have THE sexiest legs. Its not because they work out more, or have a special diet. It's just a genetic thing and Asian women win out.

No offense to all the other ladies, you all are nice too, but Asian women in general have gorgeous legs.

Those who really know me, know that I find legs to be the sexiest part of a woman's none, and I have come to the, fair, conclusion that Asian women just rock them sexy legs like no other. There is just something about the way they are defined and shapped...mmm mmm good.

A miniskirt, gorgeous bare legs, flip flops and a thin anklet is a good way for any woman to make me her slave.



I did these while I was supposed to be "working". Not that i'm lazy at my job, I just get free time now and then.

Also I haven't drawn in a while so this is all I have to show so far.

Enjoy. Critique. Comment.

A rendition of what I'll look like at 25-30

Drawn from a newspaper ad of Gap. MIxed it with 3 different ballpoint pen colors

Oh Hypocrisy

So I saw this video link somewhere and i decided to watch it

.. width="425" height="350">..>

In case video doesn't work

Good message right? Eskewed perception of beauty.

Few things, however, are rather funny about this video:

1) Victim of its own righteousness: The film is blatantly guilty of what it condemns; lying, or embelishing upon the truth. Ask any graphic designer or photo retouching specialist what I mean. While it is true that this can be done and IS done on occasions it is, however, not always the case. I've retouched ads and usually the main things irnoned out are fly away hairs, improper or undesired skin tones (not Black to white but fair to darker) and minor skin flaws.

I know a couple of models, am good friends with one, have seen professional many in their off time and trust me they look usually look AS good in tangible reality as their "souped" up photographs in glossies. Complete 180 photoshop transformations are usually reserved for celebrities or headliners who aren't GQ/Vogue affair. This ad distorts the process of post production by putting it at one end of a shallow spectrum.

Everyone knows makeup does magic but even make up has limits. Ugly is ugly.

2) OMFG!!! mommy, they lied to us???: Photos are retouched for maximum effect of unattainable beauty? GEE-FREAKING-GOLLY GOSH....REALLLY??? who knew. How is this news?

Dove fails where many other social awareness campaigns fail, exempli gratia; like the retarded and annoying TRUTH campaign against cigs. All it does is point out the problem everyone is already aware of. Thats like if I got up an made a poignant speech about the evils of a bum peeing in the train or talking to himself everytime I saw a hobo peeing on the train or talking to himself....

Who cares?. Society is great at assessing it's own shortcomings but call for solutions fall to deaf ears. Thats why they are called "social critics" because thats what anyone can really do; complain.

Yes photos are retouched, yes we are hungry for youth and fertile talent, yes we are insensitive to fat people and yes we force them to either starve themselves to death or force them into utter denial by having them form support groups for other proud, fat, obese people. But seriously, ask yourselves; would you pay $4-5 for a Vogue or Elle to see a girl next door flaunting her sagging ass in every picture? or the typical plain Jane wearing couture?

So what is Dove really saying by telling us that we are shallow? thats on par with telling me I get horny...

...and in the end we are left with facing the duality of our own society, our moral kins fighting our sinful concubines. We want our Mcdonalds but want obesity eradicated, we want obese people to not live in diffidence but EVERY single fly away hair from that porcelain skinned beauty must be wiped clean as to better enlighten her perfect jaw structure.

Dove's heart is in the right place, well no it isn't really, it's heart is where it's always been, now Dove's eyes are in the right place; the untapped, ever expanding, "normalacy" of America. Big is the new skinny and Dove is hoping to poineer in that frontier.

The Guitar that couldn't
